DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Should Christians consider themselves global citizens? The concept of global citizenship has enlightened philosophers since the days of ancient Greece, […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Apple pie is a longstanding cultural symbol of America, but neither the dessert nor its ingredients originated in the United […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Christian spirituality is at the center of Christian discipleship. British theologian Alister McGrath describes Christian spirituality as a set of […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Last week, in asking the question, “What does it mean to be global?” we saw that belonging to a worldwide […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Last month, I taught a course titled, “An Introduction to Global Christian Spirituality and Global Leadership.” In the next few […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION When the Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople in 537 CE, Christians represented nearly 60% of the population of Western […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Here’s a short excerpt from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press) on Protestant churches in global perspective. […]
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY I taught a course this Spring, Women in World Christianity, where we unpacked the statement that global Christianity […]
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY I recently attended an on-the-record webinar held by the Council on Foreign Relations on Religion and Climate Change. […]
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY The Center for the Study of Global Christianity has a close partnership with The Global Church Project, run […]