Q: Do I have to sign up for a class to go on OMP?
A: Yes, OMP is an official class of GCTS, WM 720, which should be signed up for during Summer Session 1 regardless of when in the summer your OMP experience is scheduled. WM 720 is worth 3 credits.
Q: Are the classes required for participation in OMP?
A: If you are in the MAME degree, yes. If you are in another degree program and do not need the credits you may register for an OFFICIAL AUDIT for the classes. However, every person who participates in OMP must attend the three weekend classes (either by audit or for full credit).
Q: Do only missions majors go on OMP?
A: No, actually the majority of students who participate are in the MDiv Missions Track or in the general MDiv degree program.
Q: Can I get Mentored Ministry credit for OMP?
A: Yes! All approved OMP projects are eligible for two mentored ministry credits with proper registration. See the Mentored Ministry Office for more details.
Q: Can the non-GCTS spouse of a GCTS student participate in the OMP program?
A: Yes. We believe that, whenever possible, couples should share together in such an important preparation for the mission field as OMP. However, the non-student spouse is still required to attend all sessions of the OMP orientation class and becomes a full member of the team and is therefore responsible for raising his/her support like everyone else.
Q: Can I go on an OMP through a ministry that is not in regular partnership with the OMP program?
A: Yes. Please contact the Wilson Center for more information.
Q: Where do I get the funds for the trip?
A: Each student is responsible for fund raising, although everyone is working to raise funds for their team as a whole. If you have never done this before, don’t worry! The orientation class will address the topic of how to raise support. Also see next question.
A: The OMP fund is a common fund used to raise money to support all approved OMP projects. We raise money as a group, not as individuals. In other words, it is a cooperative effort! Donations sent to the GCTS OMP fund become tax-deductible gifts. Funds raised in excess of costs will remain in the OMP fund. However, no money can be sent to Gordon-Conwell for your trip unless it is part of the OMP fund.
Most students find the OMP fund a wonderful provision to assist in going overseas. However, it is not required. A student may prefer to raise money independently of the OMP fund, through their local church or through direct appeals. In this case, funds are raised individually, not for the team.
A: Historically students have been allowed to audit WM720. Students wanting an exception should ask Dr. Yao. Students must register it as an official audit so that it shows up on their transcript. This is for insurance purposes.
An opportunity for Gordon-Conwell students to travel around the world where they can learn to serve the poor, share their faith and network with Christians from a broad spectrum of other cultures and church traditions.
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