Under the leadership of the Dean of the Chapel, Dr. Patricia Batten, the Chapel Assistants work together as stewards and ambassadors of the worship life of the campus, prayerfully planning the worship experiences each week. Serving a diverse campus community, we come from diverse backgrounds and worship expressions. We look forward to greeting you at the door to Kaiser Chapel each week as you enter to worship!
Dr. Patricia Batten
Dr. Batten is Associate Director of the Haddon W. Robinson Center for Preaching and assistant professor of preaching. After receiving her MDiv from Gordon-Conwell, Pat pastored a small church in Kennebunkport, Maine. Pat has since earned her DMin in preaching also from Gordon-Conwell, where she finds great pleasure in teaching soon-to-be pastors how to preach expository sermons. Pat is delighted to be involved in academia and in ministry.
Pat is known for telling a good story. She immersed herself in story when she and her husband, Rich, lived in Scotland. Today, they live on the North Shore of Boston with their three sons, Jack, Sam, and Tim and their beautiful daughter, Audrey Grace. Since the birth of Audrey, who has Down Syndrome, Pat is passionate about encouraging preachers to think about people with disabilities as they prepare their sermons.