Summer - New England Mentored Ministry


Below you will find the most current list of Mentored Ministry Opportunities in various ministry areas that take place during the summer.

Our office strives to keep the listings below as up to date as possible. All postings have a trained and approved mentor in place. Please note that while these postings reflect the desire of certain ministries and churches to have a seminarian work with them, ministry opportunities for GCTS students are not limited to this list.

Christ Church

Pastoral Intern

SITE: 146 Sheep Davis Rd, Pembroke, NH 03275
PHONE: (603) 225-7377
MENTOR: Pastor Ian Hard
DENOMINATION: Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
EMAIL: [email protected]
POSITION: Christ Church PCA is seeking a man to promote their examination of calling to pastoral ministry and church planting in New England. The intern will be asked to participate in worship, outreach, and discipleship ministries. The intern will have opportunity to lead Bible studies, preach at Christ Church and our daughter church plant. The internship will be flexible and adaptive to skills and interests of the intern. Christ Church is seeking someone to explore their calling in New England. We are looking for a student committed to a Christ-centered ministry with an interest in pastoral ministry and openness to church planting. The intern should be willing to work within a Reformed and Presbyterian context but is not required to share those commitments.
HOURS: 30-40 hours per week
FINANCIAL: Dependent upon intern availability and agreed upon duties, but will be approximately $20/hr.
TRAVEL TIME: 1 hr 25 min
OTHER: Christ Church PCA was planted 25 years ago and, though small, has been used by God to support the planting of multiple churches. The intern will be given a variety of ministry opportunities according to their interests and abilities.