Board of Trustees - Gordon Conwell

The Board of Trustees are stewards; stewards of the physical resources, stewards of the intellectual climate, stewards of human relationships, and stewards of spiritual resources of Gordon-Conwell Theologial Seminary. We are blessed to have men and women committed to the mission of the seminary. Their names and brief biographies are below.

Board of Trustees

J. Christy Wilson, III

Chair of the Board of Trustees

Diana Curren Bennett

Vice Chair (MATS ’96, DMin ’06)

Patti Arey

Secretary (MDiv ’16)

Claude R. Alexander

(DMin ’04)

Garth T. Bolinder

(DMin ’99)

R. Bruce Bradley

Michele Breene

Aliya Browne

Soon Chung

(DMin ’05)

Barry H. Corey

Thomas J. Colatosti

Robert C. Doll

Stan D. Gaede

Gerald L. Hector

Treasurer (MACT ’17)

Rev. Dr. Peter G. James

(MDiv ’79)

Priscilla H. Lee

(MATS ’92)

Garry Anthony McDowall

Leonard J. Moon

Shirley A. Redd

Chi Kong Shue

Daniel Vogelzang

David Wright

(MAUML ’16, ThM ’18)