Dr. Scott Sunquist - Gordon Conwell

Dr. Scott W. Sunquist

President & Professor of Missiology

Dr. Scott SunquistEmail: [email protected]
First Year at Gordon-Conwell: 2019
Expertise: Asian Christianity, historiography, missiology, Christianity in the non-Western world

Dr. Scott W. Sunquist assumed the presidency on July 1, 2019, and was inaugurated as the seventh president of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary on October 11, 2019. He also serves as professor of missiology and authors the Attentiveness blog.

Before Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Sunquist served as the Dean of Intercultural Studies and Professor of World Christianity at Fuller Seminary. Prior to this, he taught for seventeen years at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Dr. Sunquist and his wife, Nancy, served as missionaries in the Republic of Singapore from 1987–1995, where he was the pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church and lecturer in church history, ecumenics, and Asian Christianity at Trinity Theological College. Before this, he was a campus staff member with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in Virginia and Massachusetts.

He received his BA in History Education from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; his MDiv (Summa cum Laude) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and his PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary. In 2017, he was the Senior Scholar in Residence at the Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT.

Dr. Sunquist is married to Nancy Sunquist. They have four adult children and twelve grandchildren.


  • BA (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
  • MDiv (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
  • PhD (Princeton Theological Seminary)

Featured Publications


Full Publication List

  • 2022 The Shape of Christian History: Continuity and Diversity in the Global Church. Westmont, IL: InterVarsity Press Academic.
  • 2019 Why Church? A Basic Introduction. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  • 2017 “Asia.” In the Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies. Edited by Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlin. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Explorations in Asian Christianity: History, Theology and Mission. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  • 2016 “World Christianity Transforming Church History.” In World Christianity: Perspectives and Insights. Edited by Jonathan Y. Tan and Anh Q. Tran, S.J. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
  • 2015 “Ancient Eastern Christianity: Syria, Persia, Central Asia, India.” Pages 43-53 in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to World Christianity . Edited by Lamin Sanneh and Michael J. McClymond. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • The Gospel and Pluralism Today: Reassessing Lesslie Newbigin in the 21st Century. Co-edited with Amos Yong. Wrote first chapter “The Legacy of Newbigin for Mission to the West.” Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  • The Unexpected Christian Century: Christianity from 1900-2000. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. [Christianity Today’s Book of the Year for Mission; American Society of Missiology Book of Excellence for 2015]
  • 2014 “Biblical Discipleship for Mission.” In Discipleship in the 21st Century Mission. Edited by Timothy K. Park and Steve K. Eom. Seoul, Korea: East-West Center for Missions and Research Development.
  • “Mission and Migration: The Church Migrant and Missional.” Essays in Honor of Dr. Thu En Yu (Malaysia).
  • “Asia.” Pages 197-231 in Global Evangelicalism: Theology, History and Culture in Regional Perspectives. Edited by Donald Lewis and Richard Pierard. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
  • “Missionary Obligation and Global Transformation: 40 Years after Lausanne 1974.” Asia Missions Advance (April 2014): 2-6.
  • 2013 “Biblical and Cultural Perspectives on Sexuality: Contextualization in Time and Space.” Journal of African Christian Thought 16(2) (2013): 30-34.
  • Understanding Christian Mission: Participation in Suffering and Glory. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. [Christianity Today’s Book of the Year for Mission]
  • 2012 History of the World Christian Movement. Vol. II. Co-written with Dale T. Irvin. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
  • 2011 “Lausanne to Geneva, A Short Distance Really: Reflections on the Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.” Missiology: An International Review XXXIX (2) (April 2011): 35-43.
  • “Pathologies of Revitalization.” In Interpretive Trends in Christian Revitalization for the Early Twenty First Century. Edited by J. Stephen O’Malley. Lexington, KY: Emeth Press.
  • “Asian Theological Education: The Long View.” In A Cultured Faith: Essays in Honour of Professor G.P.V. Somaratna on his Seventieth Birthday. Edited by Prabo Mihindukulasuriya, Ivor Poobalan and Ravin Caldera. Columbo, Sri Lanka: CTS Publishing.
  • “Global Christianity (1700-Present).” In Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. Edited by Glen G. Scorgie. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
  • 2010 “Ancestor Veneration and Christianity: Overview.” In The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Edited by Daniel Patte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • “Moffett, Mateer and McClure: Three Models, Two Continents, One Mission.” Pittsburgh Theological Journal 2 (2010).
  • “Some Good News about Evangelism,” Panorama, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, XLVIV (1) (2010).
  • “The Century that Changed the Religious Map: 1910-2010.” Mission and Theology 25 (2010).
  • 2009 “Time, the Lectures, and Redemption” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 30 (2009): 180-192.
  • “Missio Dei: Christian History Envisioned as Cruciform Apostolicity.” Missiology 37 (2009): 33-46.
  • “Asian Christianity: Facing the Rising Sun.” In Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, 4th ed. Edited by Ralph D. Winter and Stephen C. Hawthorne. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library.
  • 2008 “American Christian Mission and Education: Henry W. Luce, William R. Harper, and the Secularization of Christian Higher Education.” In Christian Mission and Education in Modern China, Japan and Korea: Historical Studies. Co-edited with J.A.B. Jongeneel, Ziming Wu, Chong-gu Paek, and Yuko Watanabe. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • A History of Presbyterian Missions: 1944–2007. Co-edited with Caroline N. Becker. Louisville, KY: Geneva Press.
  • “Wrong Time, Wrong Place, Wrong Courses: On the Dangers of the Unconverted Seminary.” Presbyterian Outlook (August 2008).
  • 2007 “Niles, Daniel Thambiraja (1908-1970).” In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart.
  • “Dependent Dynamism: Toward a Missional Spirituality,” ReNews (December 2007).
  • “The Importance of Shandong: A Missiological Study of Place.”  Ching Feng 8 (1) (2007): 131-152.
  • 2006 “Presbyterian Mission in a Flat World, 3 Parts,” Presbyterian Outlook, December.
  • 2005 “21st Century Mission in a Global Context: Tribulation and Glory,” and “Spiritual Life of the Missionary: Putting on the Death of Jesus.” In World Mission in the 21st Century. Rethinking Mission: New Direction for a New Century. Seoul: Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary Press, 2001/2005.
  • “Christianity in Asia.” In Christianity: A Complete Guide. Edited by John Bowden. London: Continuum.


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