MACM | MA in Christian Ministries - Gordon Conwell


MA in Christian Ministries (MACM)

with optional concentrations

Whether you plan to serve in a church, para-church, mission, campus ministry or marketplace setting, the Master of Arts in Christian Ministries (MACM) will prepare you for effective ministry wherever God calls you. Combining excellent academic training and practical ministry skills, the MA in Christian Ministries provides a solid foundation in multiple disciplines and enhances students’ proficiency in serving the Lord and others.

Potential Careers

  • Pastors & Church Leaders
  • Parachurch Leaders & Staff
  • Missionaries
  • Campus Ministry
  • Marketplace Ministry
  • Community Organizers
  • Pastors & Church Leaders
  • Para-church Leaders & Staff
  • Missionaries
  • Campus Ministry
  • Marketplace Ministry
  • Community Organizers

Program Goals

  • You will be spiritually grounded. You will understand who you are as a child of God and will be faithful in developing your relationship with Christ and with his people.
  • You will be biblically grounded. You will acknowledge the authority of God’s inerrant Bible and its centrality in governing Christian life and practice. You will understand the main themes and emphases of the Old and New Testaments and have a grasp of the overall message of the Bible and its implications for all aspects of life.
  • You will have a basic competence as a biblical interpreter. You will grasp the basics of interpretive methodology and will have practice in using tools and techniques to handle the Bible well.
  • You will be historically and theologically adept. You will appreciate the historical and doctrinal heritage both of the Christian church as a whole and of the specific group or groups of which they are a part.
  • You will be culturally and globally aware. You will recognize the importance of understanding the culture in which you minister and will possess experience in interpreting your particular ministry context in light of Scripture. You will be aware of what the Lord is doing to establish his kingdom throughout the world and will see your own ministry in direct connection to the worldwide mission of his church.
  • You will be equipped with ministry skills. You will gain experience and skills in the particular ministry to which you are called.

Program Distinctives

  • Development of a firm biblical foundation to equip students for effective ministry
  • World-renowned faculty members training new leaders in the Church
  • Access to other top-tier institutions, including Harvard Divinity School and Boston University School of Theology, through the Boston Theological Interreligous Consortium
  • Emphasis on global engagement provides opportunities for hands-on missions experience
  • Access to other top-tier institutions, including Harvard Divinity School and Boston University School of Theology, through the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium
  • Field-Based Mentored Ministry component provides supervised practical ministry opportunities and carries course credit
  • Rigorous courses offered during evenings and weekends to accommodate your schedule
  • Emphasis on Urban Ministry Leadership with academic courses contextualized to the current needs of the city
  • Integration of biblical, theological and historical disciplines with a critical understanding of the social, cultural and economic conditions in the urban context
  • Emphasis on deep spiritual formation, global engagement and practical training
  • Quality contextualized theological education and hands-on training
  • Rigorous courses offered in various formats (evenings, weekends, week intensives and online/hybrid) to accommodate your schedule
  • Convenient, economical and innovative adult education system
  • Renowned, highly qualified and experienced faculty
  • Enhanced library services with capability to access theological databases from your home
  • Access to library resources and classes at other top-tier institutions through the Carolina Theological Consortium
  • Quality contextualized theological education and hands-on training taught in Portuguese and Spanish
  • Rigorous courses offered evenings and weekends to accommodate your schedule
  • Convenient, economical, and innovative adult education system
  • Renowned, highly qualified, and experienced faculty
  • Enhanced library services with capability to access theological databases from your home


48 Credit Hours (16 Courses)

The MA in Christian Ministries (MACM) includes nine foundational courses (core requirements), six concentration electives, and one open elective.

Foundational Courses (Core Requirements)

Exploring the Old Testament

Exploring the Old Testament (OT500) highlights the big picture of the Old Testament through the lens of God’s relationship with his people. We will explore the content, context, message, and purpose of each Old Testament book. We will see how each book fits into the overarching story of the Old Testament and how the unfolding narrative points forward to Jesus as the climax in the story of redemption.

Exploring the New Testament

Exploring the New Testament (NT501) traces the revelation of the Good News of Jesus Christ from the time of Jesus’ inauguration of God’s Kingdom, through the international missionary work of the Apostle Paul, to the Church’s communal life and witness in the first-century world. We will explore the content, context, message, and purpose of each New Testament book and see how they show the fulfillment of Scripture’s overarching narrative.

Interpreting the Bible

Have you ever heard someone ask, “does the Bible really say that?” This question often stems from a curiosity about biblical interpretation. In NT/OT517, you will acquire critical exegetical skills for faithful biblical analysis for ministry contexts, as well as for deeper spiritual enrichment. Gain a foundation of the theory and methods of Biblical interpretation and utilize modern exegetical resources. Apply interpretive principles to various genres of Scripture. Distinguish between various schools of thought related to key hermeneutical issues in Biblical interpretation. This course will provide you with the essential tools you need for each ministry setting, and to tactfully engage in “why?” conversations with informed knowledge and insight.

Theology Survey I

What exactly sets Christianity apart from other religious expressions in the world? Examine the development of the nature, history, and methodology of Christian theology. Explore the distinctives of Christianity through the over-arching theme of the doctrine of God in the first of a two-part survey on Christian theology. Observe the awesome being of God, the attributes of God, and the Trinitarian nature of God. Reflect upon various methodological issues, theological implications of creation, and theological anthropology. In completion of TH501, you will be able to outline fundamental Christian doctrines, articulate various theological positions with biblical support, and communicate a personal theological position on significant theological topics.

Theology Survey II

With a theological foundation laid in TH501, TH502 undertakes a more comprehensive analysis of Christology, the person and work of the Christ, as well as Pneumatology, the work of the Holy Spirit. The doctrines of predestination, conversion, justification, sanctification, perseverance, the nature and mission of the church, sacraments, and eschatology will be examined more extensively, and all doctrinal observations will be made from the perspective of divine missions and Trinitarian activity. Theological reflection will occur in a comparative fashion, observing evangelical traditions alongside other major Christian traditions, specifically Catholic and Eastern-orthodox doctrine, for the purpose of enhancing the range of theological study.

Survey of Church History

Survey of Church History (CH500) surveys the history of the Christian church from its founding at Pentecost in Jerusalem to the present day worldwide movement.

Understanding Culture

To be human is to be immersed in culture. Just as Christ cared about culture, Christ-followers are to care about culture. In an increasingly globalized world, informed cultural and cross-cultural engagement matters. Observe the nuances of your own context, as well as contexts worldwide, through anthropological, sociological, and biblical lenses. Reflect on methods for contextualizing Christianity, noting how Christ both rectifies the broken and reinforces the sacred elements of every culture. Develop greater competency for more effective Christian mission, evangelism, and discipleship in every cultural climate. Discover how the gospel message uniquely integrates with the cultures of each nation, tribe, and tongue.

Ethics Course

Ethics (Any ET) explores how Christians can make and enact good, wise, and faithful ethical choices and develop moral character and community in the midst of a complex world.

Spiritual Formation for Ministry

Prioritizing spiritual formation is a fundamental ingredient to healthy ministry, academic, and workplace relations. This course will equip you to develop a vibrant spiritual and active devotional life with Christ. Learn about the multi-disciplinary nature of spiritual formation from biblical, theological, historical, liturgical, experiential, and literary perspectives. Look closely at the life of Christ as a model for developing healthy spiritual patterns and conduct case studies to observe practices from historic Christian figures for developing a robust personal spiritual discipline.


Six concentration electives and one open elective:








The six concentration electives you choose should be drawn from either the division of Practical Theology or Counseling. This includes the following course subjects and associated course codes:

CL — Christian Leadership
CO — Counseling
EM — Educational Ministry
EV — Evangelism
MC — Ministry of the Church
PC — Pastoral Counseling
PR — Preaching
YM — Youth Ministry

Optional Concentrations

In addition to the standard MACM, Gordon-Conwell offers multiple predefined concentrations. These concentrations provide you a focused plan of study.

Church Planting
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Spiritual Formation
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Urban Ministry
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Academic Requirements

Required Degree: Bachelor’s
Minimum GPA: 2.5

English Language Requirements

Gordon-Conwell requires a TOEFL score of 92 or better (IBT) for International Students. We also accept IELTS scores of 7.0 or higher, or a Duolingo score of 115. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree through an English-language university may request a TOEFL waiver.

Application Requirements

A Completed Online Application Includes:

  1. Application Form
  2. Application Fee
  3. Two Uploaded Essays
    • A 1-2 page statement of purpose addressing questions about your vocational goals, church involvement, encouragement from others, reasons for applying to Gordon-Conwell, and an assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses
    • A 1-2 page autobiographical statement
  4. Three Recommendations
    • Pastor or Church Official
    • Friend or Associate;
    • Former Professor or Professional Colleague (references should be individuals whom you have known for at least one year, and who are not related to you.)
  5. Official Transcripts
    • The seminary requires a bachelor’s degree from an institution accredited by a recognized accrediting agency.
    • Official transcripts must be sent directly to Gordon-Conwell, or hand-delivered in a sealed envelope. Copies and opened transcripts are not considered official.
    • Transcripts may be sent by any means your college(s) uses for transmitting official transcripts; official electronic transcripts are accepted.
    • Gordon-Conwell is a partner school of Parchment. If your college uses this service for transmitting electronic transcripts, search for and have the transcripts sent to “Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.”
    • We do need transcripts from all colleges/universities attended, even if the classes were transferred to another school and are reflected on their transcripts.

Church Planting Requirements

In addition to what is listed in the Application Requirements (above):

  1. In the application form, select “Church Planting” from the Concentration drop-down menu.
  2. When you upload your essays, please indicate your Church Planting goals in your Personal Statement.
  3. For Church Planting program-specific questions, please email [email protected].

Note: Full-time, in-person residency is not required for the church planting concentration. Therefore it may not be suitable for those seeking to maintain an F-1 Non-immigrant student visa.

Have Questions?

Someone from our friendly admissions team would be happy to reach out to you.

You Can Afford Seminary!

Scholarships and financial assistance are available.