Gordon College Police contributes to the fulfilment of the mission of the seminary by establishing and maintaining a safe environment for all people within our campus. We accomplish this through the protection of life and property, the preservation of peace, order and safety, and oversight of the community’s compliance with all laws, ordinances, and seminary policies.
We assist students and staff in the formation of their Christian character by encouraging their sense of communal and civic responsibilities.
Service to our students is our primary focus. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life by investigating problems and incidents, seeking solutions, and fostering a sense of security on our campus. We nurture the trust of our community by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics as set forth in our Community Life Statement and the Employment Standards of the Seminary.
Campus Safety Services provided to the Seminary community are as follows:
Please take the time to look at the information below.
Crime Prevention Programs on personal safety and theft prevention are sponsored by various campus organizations throughout the year. Campus Safety personnel facilitate programs for student, faculty, new student orientations, student, and Seminary community organizations.
Programs also are offered to Residence Life Coordinators and residents providing a variety of educational strategies and tips on how to protect themselves from sexual assault, theft, and other crimes.
Periodically during the academic year, Campus Safety in cooperation with other departments, present crime prevention awareness sessions on sexual assault (rape and acquaintance rape), on campus auto rules and regulations, theft, and vandalism, as well as educational sessions on personal safety and residence hall security.
A common theme of all awareness and crime prevention programs is to encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own security and the security of others.
Date: | Seminar: | Location: |
October 7, 2019 | Active Threat On-Campus Training (3) @ 9-11am; 2-4pm; 7-9pm |
Alumni Hall |
Oct. 23, 2019 | Personal Safety and Protecting Yourself Against Sexual Assault @ 4pm (a seminar for our campus women only) |
Kerr 419 |
Nov. 6, 2019 | Domestic Violence Awareness @ 4:15pm | Kerr 419 |
Nov. 20, 2019 | Holiday Safety and Fire Prevention @ 4pm | Kerr 419 |
Dec. 4, 2019 | Driving in Winter @ 4:15pm | Kerr 419 |
Feb. 5, 2020 | Crime Prevention and The Clery Act @ 4:15pm | Kerr 419 |
March 4, 2020 | Workplace Violence @ 4:15pm | Kerr 419 |
Date: | Meeting: | Location: |
TBA | Usually held by Hamilton Police. Contact Sergeant Karen Wallace, HPD. Check back for possible training dates. | TBA |
**New students and new employees are strongly encouraged to attend.
An excise is a tax upon an event or privilege. A motor vehicle and trailer excise is in lieu of a tangible personal property tax and is levied for the privilege of registration. M.G.L. Ch. 60A, which is the statutory basis for the excise, uses the motor vehicle itself as a means to measure this privilege. Revenue derived from the excise can be used by cities and towns for any lawful purpose.
The excise is based on the value of the motor vehicle as determined by the Commissioner of Revenue upon certain percentages of the manufacturer’s list price in the year of manufacture. The excise valuation is not based on the actual purchase price or “book value” of the vehicle. The percentages set forth in the statutory depreciation schedule that are applied to manufacturer’s list price are as follows:
An excise in the amount of $25 per thousand is assessed upon the value of the vehicle as determined in accordance with the depreciation schedule. The excise is levied for a full calendar year and is assessed by the community where the motor vehicle is customarily garaged. M.G.L. Ch. 60A Sec. 1 provides that the owner of any motor vehicle registered for less than a full calendar year will be obligated to pay an excise based on the entire month when the vehicle was registered, as well as the remaining months of the year. For example, a vehicle registered on April 9th will be assessed an excise for the months of April through December.
Failure to receive a Notice of Excise Tax does not affect the validity of the excise (MGL Chapter 60A, Section 2). Penalties for Non-Payment include the following:
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax information for Massachusetts.
The motor vehicle laws of Massachusetts require anyone residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to register their vehicle in Massachusetts. However, non-resident students (i.e., students who live in another state but are attending school in Massachusetts, commute from another state to attend school, or have a temporary residence in Massachusetts while they attend school here) are exempt from this rule if they complete a non-resident student information form and display a Commonwealth of Massachusetts non-resident decal on their vehicle.
You must complete these forms and obtain a new decal each year. Failure to obtain a decal may result in a $200 fine from the Commonwealth if you fail to comply. Please note that this applies to residential and off-campus students alike. Even students commuting from nearby states must complete these forms.
Decals will not be issued until all forms are submitted. If you are registering a vehicle on campus for less than 30 days (i.e., you obtain a temporary pass), you do not complete this form.
**NOTE: Massachusetts has reciprocal agreements with other states to allow residents of other states to operate in Massachusetts. However, some states do not require insurance for driving within their state. If you live in such as state, you still must have the required level of insurance to operate in Massachusetts.
Click here for sexual misconduct information.
Click here for Bystander Intervention Information.
Gordon College Police: 978-646-4180; [email protected]
For an Emergency requiring the assistance of the Hamilton Police/Fire or Ambulance: Dial 911
Jana Holiday, Dean of Students: 978-646-4060; [email protected]
Healing Abuse Working for Change (HAWC) 24 HR. HOTLINE: 1-800-547-1649; www.hawcdv.org
Asian Task Force: 1-617-338-2355; www.atask.org/site/
North Shore Rape Crisis Center (NSRCC) 24 HR. HOTLINE: 1-800-922-8772
SAFELINK: 1-877-785-2020
For an extensive list of domestic violence organizations, hotlines, crisis centers, shelters, suicide prevention support, survivor support groups, YouTube Channels and more.
RAD (Rape Aggression Defense), Self Defense Training: Held by Hamilton Police. Check back for possible spring training dates.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic or family violence is the abuse of power and control. It is a pattern of behavior used by one person to control another through force or threats.
Where To Find Help and Information On-Campus: Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety, Women’s and Survivor Services Unit
Where To Find Help and Information Off-Campus:
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary does not tolerate interpersonal or intimate partner violence, which includes sexual assault, prohibited sexual contact, dating violence, or domestic violence in any form. These acts are prohibited at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and are a violation of seminary policy and potentially Commonwealth of Massachusetts and/or Federal Law. This policy applies to all members of the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary community and includes, but is not limited to, faculty, staff, students, seminary visitors, volunteers, and vendors. It also applies to alleged acts of sexual assault, prohibited sexual contact, dating and domestic violence whether those acts occur on- or off-campus.
Appropriate disciplinary actions following the process outlined in the student or staff handbooks may be taken against any persons or groups engaging in these acts, up to and including expulsion from the Seminary, termination of seminary employment, and termination of contracts/agreements with that person(s) or group(s). In addition, the Seminary may terminate or suspend its relationship and associated privileges with any perpetrator of interpersonal or intimate partner violence covered by this policy, including but not limited to visitors, volunteers, vendors and other such guests of the Seminary. To this end, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary expressly reserves its rights to revoke the privilege, right, and/or permission to anyone to be physically present on-campus, participate in seminary activities, and use seminary facilities or resources in order to carry out the intent and purposes of this policy.
The seminary may refer any alleged perpetrator of interpersonal or intimate partner violence to law enforcement.
The standard for determining whether a violation of this policy exists shall be based upon the preponderance of the evidence standard of the victim of an act of interpersonal or intimate partner violence.
Sexual Assault is any unwanted, coerced, or forced sexual contact or intercourse, or sexual contact or intercourse with someone who is not able to give consent (e.g., incapacitated by alcohol or drugs or is asleep). Sexual assault can involve the sexual penetration of any body orifice, but also includes other unwanted sexual contact, including Statutory Rape (minor under 16 in Massachusetts). Victims can be either women or men. Most victims/survivors know the perpetrators who may be the victim’s/survivor’s best friend, lover, partner, date, family member, neighbor, teacher, employer, doctor, or classmate. The perpetrator can be a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Sexual assault can occur between members of the opposite sex or same sex. Alcohol, date rape drugs, or other substances may be involved.
Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be given freely, not assumed. Alcohol or drug use can render a person incapable of giving consent.
Domestic Violence (from 42 USC ss 13925). The term “domestic violence” includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.
Dating Violence (from 42 USC ss 13925). The term “dating violence” means violence committed by a person—
(A) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and
(B) where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:
(i) The length of the relationship.
(ii) The type of relationship.
(iii) The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
Stalking (from 42 USC ss 13925). The term “stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to — (A) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (B) suffer substantial emotional distress. In Massachusetts such conduct are felonies. M.G.L. c. 265 § 43 (Stalking). Stalking includes a willful and malicious knowing pattern of conduct or acts over a period of time directed at a specific person which seriously alarms or annoys the person and which causes a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress and makes a threat with the intent to place the person in imminent fear of death or bodily injury. Stalking can be accomplished by mail, telephone, electronic mail, internet communications, and facsimile. Conduct which does not include a threat of death or bodily injury also is illegal and considered harassment by the seminary and Massachusetts law. M.G.L. c. 265 § 43A (Criminal Harassment).
Domestic, dating, intimate partner or family violence is an abuse of power and control. It is a pattern of behavior used by one person to control another through force or threats.
For more information, read the Gordon-Conwell Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy
NOTE: An update policy will be posted soon.
Due to the current injunction against the August 2024 Title IX regulations from some states, should something occur in a location that would be exempt from the new regulations, Gordon-Conwell will abide by the previously approved processes and requirements. These can be provided upon request.
Local Sex Offender Information (Hamilton & Boston campuses)
A copy of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus or property owned or controlled by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety or by accessing an electronic copy here.
We, the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety, contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of the seminary by establishing and maintaining a safe environment for all people within our campus. We accomplish this through the protection of life and property, the preservation of peace, order and safety, and oversight of the community’s compliance with all laws, ordinances and seminary policies.
As a member of the Student Life Services team, we assist students and staff in the formation of their Christian character by encouraging their sense of communal and civic responsibilities.
Service to our students is our primary focus. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life by investigating problems and incidents, seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security on our campus. We nurture the trust of our community by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics as set forth in our Community Life Statement and the Employment Standards of the seminary.
A copy of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus or property owned or controlled by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety or by accessing an electronic copy here.
Campus Safety at the Boston Campus (CUME) involves common sense on behalf of our students and staff. Please lock your car, remove all electronic devices and bring them into the building with you.
Our premises are monitored 24-7 by a recorded video-surveillance system both inside and outside our building. It is imperative that if a crime occurs to you within the vicinity of the school, it should be reported immediately not only to the Boston Police but also to the administration.
Please take the time to look at the information below:
We, the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety, contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of the seminary by establishing and maintaining a safe environment for all people within our campus. We accomplish this through the protection of life and property, the preservation of peace, order and safety, and oversight of the community’s compliance with all laws, ordinances and seminary policies.
As a member of the Student Life Services team, we assist students and staff in the formation of their Christian character by encouraging their sense of communal and civic responsibilities.
Service to our students is our primary focus. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life by investigating problems and incidents, seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security on our campus. We nurture the trust of our community by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics as set forth in our Community Life Statement and the Employment Standards of the seminary.
A copy of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus or property owned or controlled by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety or by accessing an electronic copy here.
At Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, the safety and welfare of all Seminary community members and guests are the highest priority for the Academic Dean’s Office. With the support of many other departments we constantly strive to maintain a safe and secure environment for the Seminary to accomplish its educational mission.
Because no campus is immune from crime, Gordon-Conwell has developed a series of policies and procedures to enhance the safety and security of the Seminary community. However, we must also enlist support of the Gordon-Conwell community if our efforts are to succeed.
The cooperation and active involvement of all students, faculty and staff members is an absolute necessity if any campus safety and security program is to succeed. All members of the Seminary community must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions.
Please take the time to look at the information below:
We, the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety, contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of the seminary by establishing and maintaining a safe environment for all people within our campus. We accomplish this through the protection of life and property, the preservation of peace, order and safety, and oversight of the community’s compliance with all laws, ordinances and seminary policies.
As a member of the Student Life Services team, we assist students and staff in the formation of their Christian character by encouraging their sense of communal and civic responsibilities.
Service to our students is our primary focus. Our goal is to enhance the quality of life by investigating problems and incidents, seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security on our campus. We nurture the trust of our community by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics as set forth in our Community Life Statement and the Employment Standards of the seminary.
A copy of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus or property owned or controlled by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a paper copy of this report by contacting the Department of Public Safety, Campus Safety or by accessing an electronic copy here.
Campus Safety at the Jacksonville Campus involves common sense on behalf of our students and staff. Please lock your car, remove all electronic devices and bring them into the building with you.
It is imperative that if a crime occurs to you within the vicinity of the school, it should be reported immediately not only to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office but also to the administration.
Please take the time to look at the information below.