Preachers’ College - Haddon W. Robinson Center for Preaching

Stay tuned for information about the 2025 Preacher’s College.

Are you called to preach the Word of God but have not had a chance to learn how?

In the spirit of C.H. Spurgeon’s effective school for training preachers, the Center for Preaching is pleased to provide Preachers’ College.

Preachers’ College is designed to give training in basic preaching principles in an intensive seminar to lay members who occasionally preach in their churches. The purpose is to provide men and women who have been called to preach with the essential tools needed to compose and present biblical, relevant, and effective sermons.

Who Should Attend

The conference will teach the basics of sermon preparation and delivery. If you are a lay member who preaches somewhat regularly and think you would benefit from further instruction on the fundamentals of preaching, this conference was made for you. We want to equip men and women who are serving as pastors and lay preachers with the ability to preach biblical, clear, relevant, and effective sermons.

Topics Covered

  • Choosing a Passage
  • Finding the Central Truth
  • Crafting Introductions and Conclusions
  • Using Illustrations
  • Principles of Effective Delivery


  • Understand what Expository preaching is and is not
  • Learn a ten-stage method for moving from text to sermon
  • Review how to do accurate exegesis
  • Fellowship with others who are serving in ministry
  • Sharpen your homiletics in “mini-sermon workshops”
  • Take a break from the hectic world of ministry!

Learn from Gordon-Conwell Preaching Faculty

Jeff Arthurs, PhD
Robinson Chair of Preaching and Communication 

To this day his passion is preaching, and he uses his wide-ranging communication experience as a teacher, pastor, missionary, director, announcer, and consultant to equip others to more effectively proclaim the Word. His books reflect his love of preaching and communication: Preaching with Variety, Devote Yourself to Public Reading of Scripture, and Preaching As Reminding.

For More Information: email [email protected] or call (978) 646-4190.