Graduate Certificate in Urban Ministry - Gordon Conwell

The Certificate in Urban Ministry equips Christians to lead ministries that impact urban communities.

Just as Jesus instructed his disciples to begin their ministry in Jerusalem, the Graduate Certificate in Urban Ministry is geared to equip you for ministry leadership in immediate, urban communities. Acquire a theological foundation in exploring the Old and New Testament redemptive narrative, discuss methods for ministering to marginalized groups and the urban poor, reflect on the mission of the local church for local communities, and consider the impact of the Christian message on city contexts. An excellent opportunity for elders, deacons, church staff, small group leaders, campus ministry staff, and missionaries, this certificate provides a concrete theological basis for urban-based mission and ministry.

The Certificate in Urban Ministry also provides a foundation for further theological study and provides a specific pathway to a theological degree for students without a completed bachelor’s degree. This process is called “Mature Admission.”

Learn more about Mature Admission

This certificate program is ideal for:

  • Elders & Deacons
  • Church Staff
  • Small Group Leaders
  • Christian Mentors
  • Campus Ministry Staff
  • Missionaries


Six courses (18 credits)

Introduction to Theological Research

Introduction to Theological Studies (CT500) introduces seminary students to graduate-level research and writing skills with specific attention to academic writing, theological research, integrating sources, understanding and avoiding plagiarism, and the proper citation of sources.

Exploring the Old Testament

Exploring the Old Testament (OT500) highlights the big picture of the Old Testament through the lens of God’s relationship with his people. We will explore the content, context, message, and purpose of each Old Testament book. We will see how each book fits into the overarching story of the Old Testament and how the unfolding narrative points forward to Jesus as the climax in the story of redemption.

Exploring the New Testament

Exploring the New Testament (NT501) traces the revelation of the Good News of Jesus Christ from the time of Jesus’ inauguration of God’s Kingdom, through the international missionary work of the Apostle Paul, to the Church’s communal life and witness in the first-century world. We will explore the content, context, message, and purpose of each New Testament book and see how they show the fulfillment of Scripture’s overarching narrative.

Working with Marginalized Groups & the Urban Poor

Working with Marginalized Groups and the Urban Poor (MC670) explores how the church can be an effective witness, instrument of compassion and change agent under pervasive economic and social conditions that cripple urban churches and their communities.

Church & Community

Church & Community (MC/SE602) introduces students to important strategies for social ministry, such as: congregation-based community organizing, community development, and others, designed to facilitate a holistic social ministry and prophetic role in the community and exploring as avenues towards gospel faithfulness and shalom in the city. The biblical/theological bases for social responsibility are explored.

World Missions Elective

Select One:

The Gospel, The World, & The City (WM627)

Course Description coming soon.
<!–The Gospel, The World, & The City (WM627) –>

Missions & the Local Church (WM661)

Missions & the Local Church (WM661) covers the position, roles, and responsibilities of the local church with respect to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Special attention given to the concept of the local church as the primary, God-ordained organism for the recruitment, training and sending of missionaries.

Further Study

Our Graduate Certificates are intentionally modular, allowing you to stack certificates together to build towards (or even complete) a master’s degree.

The Certificate in Urban Ministry fulfills six of the 16 courses in the MA in Christian Ministry through CUME (38% of the total). In the same way, these six courses may be applied toward the 30 courses in the MDIV (20% of the total).



Students enrolled in an urban ministry degree through our Boston Campus/CUME, are eligible for the Urban Ministry Scholarship (a 47% discount from our base tuition, automatically applied for CUME students). Qualifying programs include: The Graduate Certificate in Urban Ministry, the MA in Christian Ministries —Urban Ministry Concentration, and the Master of Divinity — Urban Ministry Concentration.

Learn more about Tuition Rates

Mature Admission Process

1. Apply to the Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies or Urban Ministry

Our standard entry route for Mature Admission students is the Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies or Certificate in Urban Ministry. We require the following:

  • Complete the Mature Admission Application to the Certificate in Christian Studies or Certificate in Urban Ministry
  • Transcripts (if applicable)
  • 3 recommendations
  • Autobiography
  • Statement of Purpose

For students applying for Mature Admission, we recommend you use the application’s required autobiographical essay and statement of purpose essay to demonstrate your ability to produce clear and correct writing.

For students who have earned the equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree (120 credits) from an unaccredited institution, please contact us to learn how you can apply directly for a Master’s Degree.

2. Complete CT500 Theological Writing and Research

Mature Admission students may be accepted to the Certificate in Christian Studies with additional conditions and provisions, often including a requirement that they enroll in our CT500 Theological Writing and Research course during their first semester. This arrangement is intended to help the mature student begin graduate level work at a reasonable pace and commitment level, and to succeed in their program. Under this policy, we have seen the majority of our Mature Admission students flourish in their programs.

3. Apply to a Degree Program

Students demonstrating sufficient academic progress in the Certificate in Christian Studies may go on to apply for a full degree program. As many as 5 of the 6 courses are transferable into the majority of our degrees.

Have Questions?

Someone from our friendly admissions team would be happy to reach out to you.