Sabbath as Resilience Conference - Gordon Conwell
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Sabbath as Resilience Conference

April 25April 27

Co-hosted by Gordon-Conwell Institute’s Mockler Center for Faith and Ethics in the Public Square and Faith in Business

We invite you to participate in the Faith in Business 2024 Cambridge Leadership Retreat. Together we will learn what work looks like when it starts by resting in God, and what the implications are as we invest our time, our skills, our relationships and our money in our businesses. This year the theme is “Being Productive – Working from Rest,” and the retreat will take place in Cambridge, England on April 26-27, 2024.

The Bible puts rest at the center of the Gospel. It presents rest as the reason why the gospel is good news. It shows that, at the heart of God’s offer of salvation in and through Jesus Christ, is the offer of deep rest. As we find true rest in Christ, we are released from our fears to realize our true potential in all spheres of life.

Expect to hear and heed the call to rest in God in ways you have not yet imagined. And return to your workplaces refreshed and ready to nurture businesses and employees unlocking the beauty of God’s creation!

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