Gratitude for J.I. Packer's Legacy of Faith - Gordon Conwell

Gratitude for J.I. Packer’s Legacy of Faith

J.I. Packer, beloved friend of Gordon-Conwell, passed away on Friday, July 17th. Packer was one of the most influential evangelical leaders of our time, and he is author of the bestselling book Knowing God. He also cowrote Grounded in the Gospel with former Gordon-Conwell professor Gary A. Parrett, which was listed in Christianity Today’s 2011 Book Awards.

We are grateful for his Kingdom work and legacy of faith.

On multiple occasions, Packer spoke and lectured at the Seminary. We invite you to watch a video of him speaking on Romans 9:1-18 entitled, “Grace, Grief and Glory.” May it be an encouragement and blessing to you.

Courtesy of First Congregational Church in Hamilton, MA.