So, I arrived at the airport with extra time.

My wife trained me well. “You are supposed to be there two hours before boarding. I thought it was two hours before taking off, but I defer to my excellent travel agent wife.

Thus, I sat in a restaurant at the Charlotte airport, an airport that is growing and growing beautifully. As I relaxed and read the introduction to an amazing book about the artwork of Edward Knippers, the waitress asked, “Is that an art book? I majored in art and that book looks very interesting. . .”

I had prayed in the morning (with two friends) that God would open a space and time for me to share the gospel with someone as I traveled. Oh, my, how much I love to tell people about Jesus!

“I don’t recognize this artist,” the waitress continued. “Are his paintings religious?” She had tattoos running up both arms and an interest in art, and I sensed that God was opening a door.

I thanked Jesus this opportunity and responded, “This is a book of the art of Edward Knippers. He is a Christian artist who deals, almost exclusively, with Christian themes. This is a book of his work over the past three or four decades. Do you know much about the Bible?”

“Yes,” Sarah said, “I was raised a Southern Baptist, and we learned a lot about the Bible . . . I have not attended a church lately, but I still have a personal faith. I try to tell my daughters so they can trust Jesus . . .” And so the conversation tip-toed around Jesus, church, trust, and the Bible.

“How can I learn more about Knippers?”

“Well, you can see a lot of his original paintings by visiting a display at our campus. I am the president.” I realize I have so many opportunities to share about Jesus because of my position, but we all have these opportunities available to us based on our own positions and stories. I explained about Gordon-Conwell and how she could look at the paintings and encouraged her to talk to our faculty member, Dr. Wes Vander Lugt. She was intrigued. In fact, before I left, I saw her talk to two other waitresses and point toward me. Seminary, paintings, painter, Bible, Jesus, tattoos, friends, strangers . . .

Dropping a tip as I left, I asked for her name. “Sarah, and tomorrow is my birthday. I have the day off. Maybe I should go look at the paintings.”

So I prayed: “Jesus, I spend so much time with Christians, but I also long to spend time with people who need you but do not have a guide to you. Thank you for Sarah. Bless her. May she run into folks at Gordon-Conwell—Charlotte who will love her and help her find a good church. Guide her back to the cross. Help her to experience your love again and bless her. And Jesus, may Gordon-Conwell be a place that sees all of our work directed toward the Sarahs of the world. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Dr. Scott W. Sunquist, President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, is author of the “Attentiveness” blog. He welcomes comments, responses, and good ideas.