Dennis P. Hollinger, Ph.D.

President &
Coleman M. Mockler Distinguished Professor of Christian Ethics

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary grieves with the heart of God over the recent expressions of racism and hatred, most visibly demonstrated in Charlottesville, VA. Sadly the act of domestic terrorism in Charlottesville is symptomatic of an unleashing of hatred, and racial supremacy that is growing in our society.

Racism and movements of racial superiority are in direct opposition to the fabric of Christ’s Kingdom. Being created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28), all human beings throughout the world have a dignity and value that must be protected by Church and society. Christ’s death on the cross brings reconciliation between fallen humans and their maker, but is also to result in reconciliation between people and groups who have been divided by walls of hostility and suspicion (Ephesians 2:14-19). God’s call to justice is a non-negotiable call for followers of Christ, and thus we renounce the injustice of racism in all its forms.

We pray for our brothers and sisters in Charlottesville, VA, including some of our alumni ministering there, that they will experience God’s shalom and be salt and light in the midst of the bitterness, violence and hatred. But we also pray for ourselves, that any sense of latent prejudice or racism in our own hearts will be rooted out by the power of Christ’s transforming love.

May God give us the courage and wisdom we need for desperate times like these.


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