Dr. Pam Davis Just three weeks ago, at the beginning of a new school year, we gathered as a community at our Charlotte campus feeling hope for all that God […]
There is no question but that many of us feel that the current political climate, the divisions across societal and cultural lines within our country…
This scenario [in John 11:32-33], I believe, captures the heart of our Lord in the midst of the current tragic, chaotic, and violent situation in the Middle East.
Dr. Alvin Padilla Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 to October 15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories […]
I believe we need to be both vigilant and kind as Christians.
Dr. Don Fairbairns sheds light on the history and religious nationalism that led to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Kevin DeYoung (MDiv ’02) I was in my final year at Gordon-Conwell. It was a beautiful morning–sunny, deep blue, not a cloud in the sky. I had an early morning […]
Dr. J Christy Wilson Jr. had a long and deep connection to Afghanistan before, during, and after he taught at Gordon-Conwell and retired in 1998. He was known for his unique narrative about Afghanistan and the resistance to the Gospel there being linked to its fate as a nation.
All ages have their divisions and contentious issues. However, our present age seems to be especially divisive and contentious. Let’s be clear about our age: we are still dealing with sin and its evil fruits.
The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging us all to establish new ways of coping. Parents and caregivers can play an important role in helping children cope during this pandemic.