WENDY MURRAY (MATS ’85) It is appropriate that the celebration of All Saints Day comes directly on the heels of Reformation Day. It serves as a reminder to us Protestants […]
This past Sunday my wife Nancy and I sat at a table at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh with former Gordon-Conwell Board chair Rev. Dr. John Huffman and his wife Anne.
One of the most important verbs or, more specifically commands, in the Old Testament is the imperative to remember. “Remember the seventh day to keep it holy . . . Remember that you were strangers in Egypt.” Remember . . .
“President Sunquist, are you willing to make a covenant with Black church leaders of Boston?” Not spoken so much as a challenge than an offer and a blessing, Rev. Dana Gonsal’s question sent my soul spinning. A covenant?
Reconciliation is at the core of the gospel. God reconciled humanity to himself through the cross. Our own reconciliation with one another then comes as a miraculous extension of reconciliation with God.
Are we—Gordon-Conwell—“evangelical?” This question has been asked of me more frequently in the past few years. I guess the answer is: It depends . . .
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY Last week I had the pleasure of guest lecturing at Dr. Chris Evans’ History of American Evangelicalism course […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Here’s a short excerpt from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press) on Evangelical Christians in global perspective. […]
The seminary buzzed last week with a two-day board meeting, the inauguration of a new seminary president and dinner for 400 celebrating our 50th anniversary.