The Fear, Facts & Faith series was developed by Gordon-Conwell’s Mockler Center for Faith and Ethics in the Public Square to help people think deeply and theologically about the COVID-19 global pandemic. It has expanded to equip people with resources to live out the Christian response to other current events as well. The series has featured experts in theology, epidemiology, economics, psychology, race, and leadership. To learn more, check out our upcoming events, access our video resources, and sign up for our newsletter.
The COVID-19: Fear, Facts & Faith livestream brought together global thought leaders in the fields of epidemiology, economics, psychology and theology to discuss the technical and the spiritual issues facing our communities.
The In God We Trust? livestream featured economics and theology global thought leaders to discuss the impending recession, market volatility and the disproportionate financial impact on minority communities.
The New Wineskins for a New Normal livestream featured biblical and pastoral perspectives to equipping us to respond more faithfully and more effectively.
The Who is Our Neighbor? livestream explored the increase in xenophobia and racial stereotyping during the pandemic and how the church can and should respond.
The New Wineskins for a New Normal, II – Transformation Leadership livestream explored how churches can creatively adapt to new challenges during reopening and what transformational leadership looks like at this unique time.
The Race in America, A Nation on Its Knees livestream wrestled with America’s original sin, racism, from biblical and pastoral perspectives. The resources mentioned in the livestream are available in the section below the video.
The Black History and White Empathy, The Seeds of a New Awakening? livestream addressed racial reconciliation from a biblical and pastoral perspective.
The A Place at the Table, Beloved Community and Blessed Diversity livestream explored the concept of “belonging” and offered ideas for healing relationships.
In the Vaccines, Safe Living, and “Loving Thy Neighbor” livestream, our expert panelists discussed the proper role of the church in allaying people’s fears and its long tradition of selfless courage in the face of pestilence and plague.
Our God and Mammon: Economics and Moral Choice livestream will explore the technical, ethical, theological, and pastoral issues surrounding the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join a discussion with scholars in ethics, philosophy, and psychology on the idea of truth and how a Christian ethical perspective can help us navigate the meaning of truth in the public square.
Hear from our panel of international experts on the Faith, Work, and Economics movement as we reflect upon its past, its present, and its future in the wake of COVID-19, artificial intelligence, and globalization.
Sean Michael Watkins, M.Div. Director of Training and Strategy at Be the Bridge; Former Associate National Director of Digital Spaces at InterVarsity
Dr. Nicholas Rowe, Gordon College, Associate Vice President, Student and Global Engagement and Associate Professor of History; Conflict resolution consultant
Rev. Kenneth Young, Pastor & Director of External Relationships for the Mass. Council of Churches; Gordon- Conwell alumnus
Dr. Jim Longhurst, Pastor & Executive Director of The Public Square Forum; Gordon- Conwell alumnus
Dr. Sara LawrenceMinard, Founder and CEO of Manarine, LLC; Adjunct Professor at Babson College; Content Curator for Faith+Finance: Reimagining God’s Economy
Dr. Robert A. Gough, Jr., CEO of predictive analytics firm, Chatham Hill; Senior Lecturer in economics at UNH
Dr. Sara Lawrence Minard, Founder and CEO of international consulting firm Manarine, LLC; Adjunct Professor of Practice at Babson College; Content Curator for Faith+Finance: Reimagining God’s Economy
Dr. Ken Barnes, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Panelists & Moderators
Dr. Scott W. Sunquist, President and Professor of Missiology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Author of Why Church: A Basic Introductions
Dr. Matthew D. Kim, Associate Professor of Preaching and Director of the Preaching Center at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Author of Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
Dr. Mateus de Campos, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Director of the Discipleship Experience at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Nicole Martin, Assistant Professor of Ministry and Leadership Development at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Author of Made to Lead: Empowering Women for Ministry
Dr. Ken Barnes, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Panelists & Moderators
Dr. Jim Singleton, Associate Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Evangelism at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Virginia Ward, Pastor & Associate Dean of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston campus
Dr. Jason McConnell, Senior Pastor of Franklin United Church and East Franklin Union Church, Co-Director of the Ockenga Fellows Program
Dr. Heather Ardrey, Lead Pastor of Church of the Nazarene in Lynn, MA; 2020 alumni with a D.Min. in Leadership in a Changing Church Context
Dr. Ken Barnes, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Emmett Price III, Professor of Worship, Church and Culture and Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of the Black Christian Experience at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Abram Kielsmeier-Jones, Pastor of Union Congregational Church, writer and musician; Gordon-Conwell Boston Campus alum
Dr. Virginia Ward, Pastor & Associate Dean of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Boston campus
Dr. Ken Barnes, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Walter Wilson, Officer in the US Air Force, Senior Healthcare Executive, Gordon-Conwell D.Min. student with a thesis entitled “Barriers to Church Community, Belonging for Emerging Generation”
Dr. Kateryna Kuzubova, Assistant Professor of Counseling at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Ken Barnes, Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Dr. Sara Lawrence Minard, Founder and CEO of international consulting firm Manarine, LLC; Adjunct Professor of Practice at Babson College; Content Curator for Faith+Finance: Reimagining God’s Economy
Dr. Buddy Childress, CEO of Needles Eye Ministries, author of Navigating the Needle’s Eye
Katherine Leary-Alsdorf, Co-author of Every Good Endeavour
Kara Martin, Author of Workship (Vols. 1 & 2) and nominated for Australian Christian Book of the Year
Bishop Lawrence Ward, Pastor of Abundant Life Church, Cambridge, MA; entrepreneur; trainer on the integration of faith and work; community leader
Dr. Sara Minard, Business consultant, academic, Associate Director of the Mockler Center for Faith and Ethics in the Public Square
Dr. Jim Longhurst, Pastor and Executive Director of The Public Square Forum; Gordon-Conwell alumnus
Dr. Ken Barnes, Director of the Mockler Center & Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell; Author of Redeeming Capitalism
Panelists & Moderators
Dr. Sandra Richter, Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. Graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Harvard University’s Near Eastern Language and Civilizations Department. Author of Stewards of Eden: What Scripture Has to say about the Environment and Why it Matters (IVP 2020).
Dr. Mick Pope, Theologian and Professor of Meteorology at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Author of several books on Creation Care, including: All Things New: God’s Plan to Renew Our World (Morning Star 2020).
Christine Seibert, Steering Committee Chair for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action. Seibert holds a B.S. in Biology (with a double minor in Environmental Outreach and Sustainable Development) from Gordon College and is currently working on a Masters Degree in Sustainability at Harvard University.
Dr. Jim Longhurst, Pastor and Executive Director of The Public Square Forum; Gordon-Conwell alumnus
Dr. Ken Barnes, Director of the Mockler Center & Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics at Gordon-Conwell; Author of Redeeming Capitalism
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