Dr. Todd Johnson Honored with Festschrift Edited by Dr. Gina ZurloAt the recent Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) Spring Forum, Dr. Todd Johnson was presented with a surprise festschrift titled Portraits of Global Christianity: Research and Reflections in Honor of Todd M. Johnson. The publication is edited by Dr. Gina Zurlo, who serves alongside Dr. Johnson as a Gordon-Conwell professor and co-director of the CSGC.

Dr. Todd Johnson, Eva B. and Paul E. Toms Distinguished Professor of Mission and Global Christianity, has spent over thirty years researching Christianity and other world religions. In addition to his work as an educator and mentor to countless students over the past twenty years at the seminary, he has also published encyclopedias, atlases, databases, monographs, and academic articles on religious identity and practices across the globe. In particular, he has made detailed country-by-country estimates for ethno-linguistic peoples, religious diversity, Pentecostals, Sunnis and Shia’s, and other major religious traditions.

Dr. Gina Zurlo (MAR ’09), alumna and adjunct faculty of world Christianity and mission, is the author of Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and co-author of World Christian Encyclopedia – Third Edition with Dr. Johnson. She shared that this new resource “contains chapters with reflections from Todd’s former students, colleagues, family, and friends on what it means to both ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ of global Christianity.” The publication includes accessible full-color charts, maps, and graphs and is written for both academic and lay audiences. Portraits of Global Christianity will help readers appreciate the diversity, purpose, and beauty of the global Church.

We congratulate Dr. Zurlo and Dr. Johnson and encourage you to pick up your copy today!