The Gordon-Conwell Institute’s Mockler Center For Faith and Ethics in the Public Square is delighted to announce its new partnership with the Christian network Faith in Business, joining Christian charity Stewardship as a theme sponsor for the 2024 Cambridge Leadership Retreat. This year the theme is “Being Productive – Working from Rest,” and the retreat will take place in Cambridge, England on April 26-27, 2024. Registration for the retreat opens today.

The Bible puts rest at the center of the Gospel. It presents rest as the reason why the gospel is good news. It shows that, at the heart of God’s offer of salvation in and through Jesus Christ, is the offer of deep rest. As we find true rest in Christ, we are released from our fears to realize our true potential in all spheres of life.

Faith in Business is examining this biblical principle of rest and its implications for business people throughout the year at its Faith in Business Monthly webinars, in which Mockler Center leaders participate monthly.

  • December 7, 2023 at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. ET: “Sabbath as Reprioritization” with Mockler Associate Professor of Christian Ethics Autumn Ridenour.
  • January 4, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. ET: “Sabbath as Resistance” with Mockler Center Visiting Fellow Natt Gantt.
  • February 1, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. ET: “Sabbath as Reimagination” with Mockler Center Visiting Fellow Kara Martin.
  • March 7, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. ET: “Sabbath as Renewal” with Associate Director of the Mockler Center Sara Minard.

The webinars culminate in a weekend of rest and fellowship at the 2024 Cambridge Leadership Retreat.

Faith in Business Director, Peter Heslam, who is also a visiting fellow for the Mockler Center, explained the choice of this year’s theme: “At the start of Genesis, God’s first command to humans is to work (Gen 1:28). Yet immediately after this, on the seventh day, God rested and instituted the sabbath (Gen 2:1-3). This means that, for us human beings, our first full day on earth was a day of rest! Yet in society today, we see rising levels of stress-related mental health issues; anxiety about the future; neglected children and older people; burnout. Could it be that we have ignored God’s gift of rest?”

Director of the Mockler Center Ken Barnes added:
“We see the principle of working from rest in the life of Jesus. The Gospel writers often show him withdrawing to find solitude before intense periods of ministry (e.g., Mk 1.35). He urges his disciples to do the same, on one occasion before they find themselves involved in a major food distribution operation to feed a crowd of five thousand people (Mk 6.31-32)!

At the Mockler Center, we have been researching Sabbath and Work in a new book that will be published in 2024. Ahead of this launch, at each Faith in Business Monthly webinar we shall be previewing each of the topics in the book, to show the role that rest plays in making us more productive.”

Stewardship Chair of Trustees, Chris Gillies further commented: “Stewardship’s work supporting donors, churches and charity partners means it is experienced in the challenges of what it means to be a good steward. In the midst of the pressures of twenty-first-century life, facing the reality that everyone has the same number of hours in each week, the importance of working out of rest, being generous with our time, and stewarding our time well cannot be overstated.

Stewardship is therefore delighted to be one of Faith in Business’ Theme Partners, and to be providing a number of business leaders to speak at Faith in Business events on this theme.”             

Faith in Business also announced that the Stewardship and Mockler Center sponsorship means that it is able to provide scholarships to attend the retreat. More information is available on the retreat page.

Register today for the retreat and free monthly webinars!

About the Mockler Center: The mission of the Mockler Center for Faith and Ethics in the Public Square is to explore and promote biblical ethics, values, and insights for today’s workplaces, and to bring helpful knowledge and experiences from workplace laity to the church and its leadership. The Mockler Center is part of the Gordon-Conwell Institute, which serves Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and equips Kingdom workers with practical skills to impact the world. In 2024, the Mockler Center will publish a new book on Sabbath and Work.

About Faith in Business: Faith in Business is a leader in providing high-quality theological resources and events at the intersection of business, faith, values, and leadership. Each year, Faith in Business focuses on a theme that reflects current business issues. It does so from a Christian perspective infused with freshness and creativity. This culminates in the Faith in Business Cambridge Leadership Retreat where a diverse cross-section of business leaders gather for two days of input, discussion, gathered worship, reflection, and prayer based on the theme.

About Stewardship: Stewardship exists to connect and serve Christian givers, workers, charities, and churches in the UK and beyond to steward their resources well and create Kingdom impact. They help over 30,000 people experience the joy of giving just under £110 million each year to over 6,000 charities, 4,000 churches, and 2,300 Christian workers.