About - Gordon-Conwell Institute
Formerly the Ockenga Instite

Gordon-Conwell Institute

A Supporting Ligament to Serve the Centers
of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

The Gordon-Conwell Institute


The Ockenga Institute was established in 1987 and named after Harold J. Ockenga, Gordon-Conwell’s first president. Today, we are known as Gordon-Conwell Institute (GCI).

Our mission remains the same. For over three decades, we have served and equipped God’s missionary people for the renewal of the Church and its faithful participation in God’s mission. Dr. Ockenga’s compelling vision enables Gordon-Conwell to further extend his legacy now through GCI for global and missional engagement. Read more about Dr. Ockenga.


Today, GCI is comprised of multiple centers, initiatives, and partners who support the Church and equip Kingdom workers with practical skills to impact the world.

GCI’s vision is to serve the body of Christ as a supporting ligament (Ephesians 4:16) to:

1) Safeguard parts of the body to effectively do their work
2) Connect members of the body to operate with efficiency and meaningful accountability so the whole body of Christ can grow to full maturity, building itself up in love.

Purpose & Values

The purpose of GCI is two-fold: church renewal and evangelization of the world. With this two-fold purpose in mind, GCI will grow more centrifugal in its approach with its centers within Gordon-Conwell and with valued partners outside of the seminary community, both local and global.

The core values of GCI are Generosity, Creativity, and Integrity. With our partners and beneficiaries, GCI seeks to be generous in its operations; GCI aims to be creative in its service, innovation and programs; and GCI strives to be integrous.


GCI works in partnership with like-minded organizations and collaborative initiatives because we believe that together we are stronger and better equipped to:

1) serve as ligaments that safeguard, connect, and support one another
2) share resources and opportunities beyond ourselves.

The goal of partnership is to best serve God’s missionary people serving in different contexts around the world.