Rediscovering Community in the Disconnected Era - Gordon Conwell

Rediscovering Community in the Disconnected Era

Dr. Brad Howell, Gordon-Conwell’s Vice President of Graduate Programs, oversees the unification of administrative people, processes, policies, and platforms upon which all of our students depend. His article on intentional learning communities, “Rediscovering Community in the Disconnected Era,” was featured on Fierce Education this week.

“By bringing students together, both inside and outside the classroom, and empowering them to take an active role in one another’s social and academic life, these small-scale networks create a more enjoyable and effective learning environment,” says Dr. Howell. “In a system where, too often, the path to a degree is a marathon of dry checklists, massive lecture halls, and lonely Zoom seminars, learning communities can help students interpret their subjects through the lenses their classmates bring to the conversation—remotely or not.”

Visit Fierce Education to read the article.