Dr. Drew Thompson I just love to explain things. There is something satisfying about seeing a furrowed brow smooth out, a head tilt back and eyes light up in that […]
Stephen Witmer (MDiv & ThM ’03) This article originally appeared on Desiring God. Do you want to know an inside secret about sermons? You may have noticed it already. If you […]
Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs This blog originally appeared in Ministry Magazine. If you created a checklist for sermon preparation, it might look like this: study the biblical passage—check; frame a big […]
Today, the Ockenga Institute, in conjunction with the Center for Preaching, is excited to formally announce the beginnings of an initiative to further honor the work and legacy of Haddon Robinson: “The Haddon Robinson Files.”
Like many parishioners, this question (or its more non-committal cousin, “Who was Jesus?”) makes seasonal appearances at Christmas and Easter, usually on the covers of news magazines looking for a holiday angle.