Have Pentecostals Outgrown Their Name? - Gordon Conwell

Have Pentecostals Outgrown Their Name?

In the debate over what to call the movement—which has been dubbed “global Pentecostalism,” “Pentecostal/Charismatic,” and “renewalist”— Todd Johnson and his co-author and co-director Gina Zurlo propose another option: Spirit-empowered Christianity.

Read the Christianity Today article entitled Have Pentecostals Outgrown Their Name? for the latest work that Dr. Todd Johnson and Dr. Gina Zurlo are doing in the Center for the Study of Global Christianity.

The Center for the Study of Global Christianity is an academic research center that monitors worldwide demographic trends in Christianity, including outreach and mission. It provides a comprehensive collection of information on the past, present, and future of Christianity in every country of the world. Its data and publications help churches, mission agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to be more strategic, thoughtful, and sensitive to local contexts.

Dr. Johnson and Dr. Zurlo also publish a weekly blog called The Inquiry.