The D.Min. program at GCTS is an in-service experience that allows participants to complete the program while remaining in full-time ministry. Everything in the D.Min. program can be integrated directly or indirectly into the current ministry setting. Read this article, written by the director, Dr. David A. Currie, where he talks about the difference between Doctor of Ministry studies and other doctoral studies.
The GCTS program of specialized tracks couples participants with the best in the field who serve as their faculty mentors. Classroom activities are highly collegial, with much give-and-take. Participants form strong friendships with one another and enter long-term mentoring relationships with the scholars who guide the learning experience. Many graduates of the GCTS D.Min. program feel that this close association with a seasoned Christian leader and the interaction with peers in ministry provide some of the most valuable contributions of the program.
The D.Min. tracks are designed to promote unique learning opportunities geared to individual ministry needs. Participants are encouraged to pursue their own particular interests so that the final thesis-project will make a major contribution to their own lives, their particular ministries, and to Christ’s cause in the world.
This summer has been an amazing time of personal spiritual renewal for me. It all began at the first D. Min. residency at GCTS. I left encouraged by the things that were said and the support I received from everyone in the program. The two weeks began a time of healing and closeness to God that I haven’t felt in 3 years of church conflict. Along with spiritual renewal there has been a renewing of my mind. I have been writing theological papers required for …ordination as well as applying for….[a] position. I showed my wife what I had written and even she was amazed. I haven’t been this clear in my theology even while in the middle of my M. Div. studies when I was doing this stuff every day. I hope it lasts since I have never before in my life been this theologically minded…. On top of all of this, the process of candidating for this new position was an affirming time for me as a pastor. After so much conflict I was so discouraged I began contemplating another profession. The…appointments board asked me some really good hard questions that helped me to process through personally what began back at GCTS and the first residency. It helped me to think about pastoral ministry and reaffirm my calling to pastoral ministry.”
The D.Min. is a professional, not an academic degree, focusing on the practice of ministry rather than on doing research in an academic setting. At the same time, GCTS is committed to maintaining high academic standards and building ministry on a solid biblical and theological foundation.