DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about “Justice for All Peoples.” How insightfully this scriptural theme is practiced by […]
MARIA ALEJANDRA FONTECHA RESEARCH ASSISTANT, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY Colombia, the beautiful. Not for its cheap stereotype of narcotics and political unrest, what only outsiders may see as […]
Like many parishioners, this question (or its more non-committal cousin, “Who was Jesus?”) makes seasonal appearances at Christmas and Easter, usually on the covers of news magazines looking for a holiday angle.
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY Here’s a short excerpt from the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press) on Latin America. This comes […]
DR. GINA A. ZURLO Co-Director, Center for the Study of Global Christianity Who owns global Christianity? No one, really. But looking at where Christians live by continent can be helpful […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON Professor of Global Christianity and Mission In the past 100 years the most significant trend within global Christianity is that, demographically, Christianity has shifted dramatically to […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON Professor of Mission & Global Christianity One of the most salient features of Christianity, beyond its theology, ethics and ecclesiastical structures, is the number and location […]