Misc. - Center for the Study of Global Christianity


Evangelicals and International Aid: Insights from a Landscape Survey of U.S. Churches

Faith-based NGOs constitute nearly 60% of all U.S.-based foreign aid organizations, and the majority of faith-based NGOs are Christian. Despite the importance of this sector, little research has been done on the role that churches play to influence the priorities of religious international development and aid programs. The CSGC partnered with researchers at Tufts University to look into this new trend in world mission. Click here to download the report. 

Status of Global Christianity, 1970-2020: Society, Religion, and Mission

The Center for the Study of Global Christianity released a report in 2013 outlining trends in global Christianity and mission from 1970 to 2020. The 92-page report is available as a free download here.

50 Years of Research in Global Christianity

In March 2015 the Center celebrated 50 years of research in global Christian demography, starting with David B. Barrett in Nairobi, Kenya in 1965. To mark the event, the Center compiled a booklet highlighting our history, personnel, and activities, including a timeline of major events from 1953-2020. Click here to view and download the booklet.

Martyrdom Situations

One of our most highly-cited figures is the average number of Christian martyrs around the world every year. The World Christian Database hosts a table outlining some key martyrdom situations from 2000-2010. The table is available for free here. An updated table with data from 2006 – 2015 can be found here.

Click here for methodology of counting martyrs.

Click here for additional source material.

Global Theological Education Project

The CSGC partnered with the World Council of Churches and the Institute for Cross-Cultural Theological Education to gather data and perspectives on all forms of theological education from Christian traditions all over the world. In a 21-month period more than 1,650 surveys were administered to theological educators and church leaders. Click here for the report of findings and more information on the project.

Least Evangelized Peoples

The World Christian Database houses a list of the world’s largest unevangelized peoples, which includes 247 peoples over 1 million in population in the year 2015 and less than 50% evangelized. Click here for a free download of the table.


The Center for the Study of Global Christianity adheres to rigorous methodologies in order to arrive at the most accurate and reliable data.