DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION In the opening to the encyclical Fides et ratio, published in 1998, Pope John Paul II writes, “Faith and reason […]
DR. GINA A. ZURLO CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY Most religions have some kind of social service aspect as part of their observance. In Sikhism, many gurdwaras […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION In his final project, The Teaching of Contempt: Christian Roots of Anti-Semitism (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1964), French-Jewish […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION Two seminal events in the history of Christian-Muslim relations occurred in the 15th century. First, in 1453, the fall of […]
CHARLES TIESZEN, FRHistS, PH.D. [Editor’s note: I’ve asked friend and colleague Charles Tieszen to submit a guest blog in my series on Christian-Muslim Relations. We read his edited volume A […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION In Medieval Spain, Christians, Muslims, and Jews sang and played music together as part of what would later be called […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION The third stop in our blog series on Christian-Muslim relations is thirteenth-century Damietta, a city in northern Egypt that became […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION “The truth must be taken wherever it is to be found, whether it be in the past or among strange […]
DR. TODD M. JOHNSON PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL CHRISTIANITY AND MISSION This spring semester I’m teaching a course “A History of Christian-Muslim Relations” in which we will be surveying interactions between […]