Gordon-Conwell is a school where community life is taken seriously. It is acknowledged that development is an integral part of preparation for ministry, and this development involves the many dimensions of human personality. Furthermore, this time of preparation is best understood as a period when relationships are emphasized and the sharing of life’s moments, insights, and substance is encouraged. All of the aspects of community life are drawn from the basic conviction that God created us to live together; that Christ died and rose so that we could live together; that our Lord will return to receive all of the ‘household of faith’ to live together forever; and that Scripture has been given to the human as the ultimate authority and guide for all of our living.
Chapel services are led by faculty, staff, students, and visiting speakers; and can be viewed online. Departments are closed during the chapel hour (11:10-noon) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for all school chapel. Special emphasis weeks provide concentrated attention to spiritual growth, missions, urban ministry, and contemporary issues.
Gordon-Conwell students represent a wide variety of denominational affiliations. Denominational groups are student led with a faculty or clergy advisor offering fellowship and sharing of information. Students have opportunities to work in their respective denominations through the Mentored Ministry Program.
The Student Association helps maintain the ethos of the community and addresses areas of importance to the development of the seminary student through its different committees.
God has called both women and men for Christian service. Historically, both parent institutions of Gordon-Conwell had women faculty and welcomed women students to all their educational programs. A. J. Gordon was a well-known advocate, in his day, of the preaching ministry of women. Gordon-Conwell continues to welcome women to all its degree programs, seeking to build a community in which all of Christ’s people, regardless of gender, find warm acceptance.
Gordon-Conwell, as an educational institution, does not ordain anyone. As a multi-denominational seminary, it recognizes that the churches, which it serves, decide which ministries should be formalized by ordination. But it seeks and welcomes women who are preparing themselves for any form of service in the church, including ordained ministry. Since the Seminary accepts women who are training for this purpose, the responsibility of students, faculty, staff, and administration is to relate to one another so that Christ’s call can be pursued freely without the impediment of exclusive or insensitive words and actions. Women preparing for ministry, therefore, should receive personal encouragement from all members of the community.
To that end, the Seminary is committed to the full inclusion of women, their contributions and concerns, in recruitment and admission of students, for teaching, for administering and planning curriculum, chapels, and convocations, and for filling faculty, administrative, and other appointments.
Various programs and activities are initiated by student spouses under the auspices of Student Life Services. All student activities are available to student spouses. We have a weekly Seminary Wives Fellowship group that is offered in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Student spouses may audit one course per semester as per the guidelines set forth by the Registration Office. Other opportunities are made available through the Ockenga Institute.
An old-fashioned New England Chowderfest is held each year on the campus property following the Fall registration. Students and their families are treated to a traditional menu, and students have the opportunity to meet the faculty, administration and staff, and celebrate the beginning of the school year together.
We have an annual Dinner for the Nations, where we taste various foods from the countries represented in our community, worship and fellowship together. Attendees are encouraged to dress in the attire of the country most meaningful to them.
There are a number of other community events throughout the year.
Regarding information on the Student Life Services webpages, contact [email protected]