Mentored Opportunities - New England Mentored Ministry

Mentored Ministry Opportunities

Hamilton students generally find Mentored Ministry opportunities through personal networking. Recommendations from a home church or clergy, professors and/or fellow students often bear fruit and we encourage students to pursue these primary avenues, as well. Students are instructed to contact these churches and ministries directly via their posted contact information. 


Each Mentored Ministry opportunity, organized by general category listed below, has been vetted by the Mentored Ministry Office and has an approved mentor in place.

Please bear in mind that some but not all opportunities involve some kind of pay or stipend. Financial remuneration, though encouraged by the Mentored Ministry Office, is not a requirement of the Mentored Ministry program, nor do we encourage students’ ministry selections to be based solely upon this criteria.

Our office strives to keep all the postings as up-to-date as possible. All postings have a trained and approved mentor in place. Please note that while these postings reflect the desire of certain ministries and churches to have a seminarian work with them, ministry opportunities for Gordon-Conwell students are not limited to this list.