Outreach & Missions - New England Mentored Ministry

Outreach & Missions

Below you will find the most current list of Mentored Ministry Opportunities in the Hamilton Campus area, especially pertaining to Outreach & Missions Related Ministry.

Our office strives to keep the listings below as up to date as possible. All postings have a trained and approved mentor in place. Please note that while these postings reflect the desire of certain ministries and churches to have a seminarian work with them, ministry opportunities for GCTS students are not limited to this list.

Emmanuel Gospel Center

The Race and Christian Community Applied Research Initiative

SITE: 44 Moultrie St., Dorchester, MA
MENTOR: Megan Lietz
PHONE: (617) 262-4567
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: www.egc.org/race
DENOMINATION: Non-denominational
POSITION: The Race and Christian Community Initiative works to equip Christian leaders to engage well in issues related to race with a current focus on providing racial education to White evangelicals. Opportunities for student involvement include creating educational materials, helping develop and lead upcoming events, connecting with local race-related ministries, and communications and social media. Please reach out to discuss how your interests and RCCI’s needs can be combined to create a mutually beneficial learning experience. Remote work options available.
HOURS: Flexible.
TRAVEL TIME [from GCTS]: 1 hour drive, Remote work options, and accessible via public transportation.
OTHER: RCCI desires to work with students who are interested in racial reconciliation and growing in their racial awareness, cultural competence, and lived faith. Additional qualities we seek include humility, respectfulness, social awareness and active listening skills.

OMF International 

Missionary Prep. for Asia

PHONE: (717) 417-1486; Cell: (717) 318-4654

Steve Niphakis

POSITION: This is a position for a student considering long-term mission commitment in Asia. Mentor Steve Niphakis is an OMF missionary with over 20 years of experience in missions, including church planting, missionary training, leadership development and mobilization. As the GCTS mission department has adopted the Shan people in Southeast Asia, the qualified candidate will be working on the Shan adoption OMP missions project, and gain valuable experience related to career mission preparation. Part of the mentoring will be done by phone, but will also include personal visits by the mentor, in accordance with the MM requirements. The mentee should be willing to commit at least one year in a mentored relationship, and to spend at least 6 weeks in Thailand during the summer. The student will take a leadership role in the development of the Shan adoption project, and will be responsible for doing research, leading prayer meetings, and representing the Shan adoption program to students and churches, as well as mobilizing a team to take to Asia. 
HOURS: 10 hours per week. (Most of the work will be on campus with students and staff, but church- related work will also be involved.)
TIME FRAME: Ongoing.

Center for the Study of Global Christianity

Missions/ Ministry Research

SITE: 130 Essex St. Box #228, South Hamilton, MA 01982
MENTOR: Todd Johnson or Bert Hickman
PHONE: (978) 468-2750
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: www.globalchristianity.org
POSITION: We are looking for students to explore the role of research in mission work, global Christianity, and/ or local churches. The CSGC is currently working on the third edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, one of the most widely cited books on the history and status of global Christianity, and the students’ work will directly contribute to that text. Students can also be involved in planning our research forums and participate in conferences related to mission and global Christianity in the Boston area. Students will be spending many hours working alone with spreadsheets, articles, and books. Being a self-starter is a plus.
HOURS: 10 hours/week.
TRAVEL TIME [from GCTS]: On campus.
OTHER: CSGC is an academic research center that monitors worldwide demographic trends in Christianity, including outreach and mission. We provide a comprehensive collection of information on the past, present, and future of Christianity in every country of the world. Our data and publications help churches, mission agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to be more strategic, thoughtful, and sensitive to local contexts.