Hamilton MM Program - New England Mentored Ministry


Quick Links

In order to become an approved mentor for Hamilton Mentored Ministry students, you may apply by using the Application to Mentor provided in Quick Links on the right. Please also review the Mentoring Commitment there to better understand the seminary’s expectations for student MM experiences.

If you are wanting to offer a new Mentored Ministry opportunity to students, please click on the Position Description Form from which we craft our postings.

Connecting With You

The New Mentor Orientation

One the Application to Mentor is reviewed and approved, all newly approved mentors for Hamilton students will be invited to the next scheduled New Mentor Orientation. This is a half-day training and orientation seminar scheduled on a TBA Tuesday each September, from 11:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m., complimentary lunch provided. The Orientation may be attended via Zoom if the mentor is beyond reasonable driving distance.

If a new mentor cannot attend the New Mentor Orientation nearest to their approval date, they must come to the next scheduled New Mentor Orientation. Mentors who do not attend the NMO within a year of being approved will not be allowed to continue to mentor GCTS students.

The Mentor Re-Certification 

While mentors who work regularly with our Mentored Ministry students are required to attend this half-day meeting at least every five years, all mentors are welcome to this yearly enriching time of discussion, reflection, challenge and encouragement with the Mentored Ministry staff and your fellow mentors. Recertifications are scheduled for a half-day once a year on a TBA Tuesday in March, with complimentary lunch provided.

Mentor E-Connection Newsletter 

About every other month the Mentored Ministry Office sends out a newsletter highlighting seminary updates and events and items of interest to Mentored Ministry mentors. When you become an approved mentor you can expect to receive this. Please click below to read the most recent Mentor E-Connection: