Email: [email protected]
First Year at Gordon-Conwell: 2016
Expertise: Leadership & Organizational Development, Ministry & Spiritual Formation in a Postmodern Culture
After graduating from Gordon-Conwell in 1975, Jimmy and his wife Betsy moved to Chapel Hill, NC, with the intention of working on staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for four years before heading into the Presbyterian pastorate. In 2016, Jimmy retired from InterVarsity after 41 years. He never made it to the pastorate and never made it out of Chapel Hill. For all those years, he thoroughly enjoyed ministering with college students at such a critical point in their lives.
Jimmy and Betsy raised two children in Chapel Hill. Both of their children are married, and the Longs are proud grandparents of two grandchildren. Jimmy and Betsy enjoy walking five miles each day. They enjoy both the NC mountains and beaches. While in New England, Jimmy became a rabid Red Sox fan, and for the last 45+ years, he has followed the ups and downs of the Red Sox.
During his time on InterVarsity staff, Jimmy focused on small group ministry training, helping to author four small group leader’s handbooks. He also has spent a lot of time understanding the transition to postmodern culture and how the church can have faithful ministry within this context. In the midst of this 30 year study, he authored four resources: Emerging Culture Curriculum Project, Emerging Hope, Leadership Jump and Identity Transformed.
Jimmy has been an adjunct faculty member at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte since 2016. His two areas of expertise have been leadership, teaching the “Foundations of Leadership” course, and ministry in this postmodern culture, teaching “Ministry Among Emerging Generations.”