Dr. Davi Ribeiro Lin - Gordon Conwell
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Dr. Davi C. Ribeiro Lin

Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Ministry


  • BA (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
  • Counseling Psychology Specialization (FEAD-MG, Brazil)
  • MA (Regent College, Canada)
  • PhD (Ku Leuven, Belgium and Faculdade Jesuíta, Brazil)

Select List of Publications

  • “Relational Confession as Therapy of the Heart? A Postmodern Dialogue  Between Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions and Elementary Experience in Psychology”.  Langham Literature (forthcoming).
  • “The Absence of Dialogue in a Technologically Faceless Age: an  Augustinian Response of Embrace and Confession” In: Building on Integral mission: Fresh  Voices from Latin America. Oxford Center for Mission Studies: Regnum Press (2022) 81-93.
  • “Agostinho de Hipona e a redescoberta do potencial terapêutico da teologia narrativa para a saúde mental” [trans: Augustine of Hippo and the Rediscovery of the Therapeutic Potential of Narrative Theology for Mental Health] Cuestiones Teológicas v.49 n. 112 (2022) 1-18.
  • “Unidade cordial da pessoa humana e da comunidade: o símbolo do coração nos escritos e na recepção artística de Agostinho  de Hipona” [trans.: Cordial Unity of Person and Community: the Heart Symbolism in  the Writings and Artistic Reception of Augustine of Hippo], Franciscanum 175 v. 63  (2021) 1-22.
  • “Graça e Heteronomia na Antropologia Relacional de  Agostinho de Hipona” [trans.: Grace and Heteronomy in the Relational Anthropology of  Augustine of Hippo], Civitas Augustiniana n. 9 (2020-2021), 35 – 59.
  • “Love’s Crossing through Self-emptying Language: Augustine of  Hippo’s confessio and Adélia Prado’s Mystical Poetry” Teoliterária v.10 n. 21 (2020) 445-469.
  • “Augustine’s Anti-ideological Political Realism in De  Civitate Dei”, Atualidade Teológica, v. 24, n. 66 (2020) 760-774.
  • RIBEIRO LIN, D. “Terapia no mundo antigo e suas implicações para um diálogo entre  Psicologia e Teologia” [trans.: Therapy in the Ancient World and its Implications for a  Dialogue between Psychology and Theology], In: Conselho Regional de Psicologia – Minas  Gerais. (Org.). Psicologia, laicidade, espiritualidade, religião e outras tradições: encontrando  caminhos para o diálogo. 1ed. Belo Horizonte: CRP04, (2019) 167-180.

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