Dr. Victor A. Price (DMin, DD, STM, MSW, LCSW) is of the Caribbean Heritage. He is a Pastor, Mental Health Counselor, Community Organizer, and a retired Child Protective Investigator of the Department of Children and Families in the state of Massachusetts. He is Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Cultural Intelligence facilitator. He serves as a member of the Trauma Response Team in Boston, MA. He graduated from Caribbean Nazarene Theological College in 1981 and Eastern Nazarene College in 1992 with a master’s in religion degree. In 1994 he graduated from Boston University with a master’s degree in sacred theology and in the year 2000 earned a Post Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. May 2002, he earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary with the emphasis on Spiritual Renewal. In May 2004, he graduated from Simmons College with a master’s in social work degree and a Certificate in Urban Leadership in Clinical Social Work. In 2013 an honorary Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by Caribbean Nazarene College. He also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2019.
Dr. Price is the founder of “Maximizing Manhood” and “Loving Without Limits” conducting psychoeducational therapeutic groups sessions for men and facilitating Couples’ Retreats. He is the founder and academic coordinator of “Clinical Network Conference” addressing mental health concerns both in the Caribbean and the United States. He is also the founder of “East Course Holiness Summit” providing a forum for spiritual and social action.
He is passionate and intentional about collaboration and cooperation among churches and community agencies with the goal of cultivating a positive spiritual and social community that serves as a nurturing environment to enhances individual lives.
He is an adjunct professor at Caribbean Nazarene College and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in the master’s in counseling Programs.