Dr. Karen Mason - Gordon Conwell
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Dr. Karen Mason

Professor of Counseling and Psychology

Karen MasonEmail: [email protected]
First Year at Gordon-Conwell: 2006
Expertise: Counseling, Depression, Suicide Prevention

Dr. Karen Mason is a Professor of Counseling and Psychology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where she has prepared students to be licensed mental health counselors since 2006. She is a native of Colorado (and loves to ski and hike). She learned French while growing up in France, some German while living in Austria and some Haitian Creole while living in Haiti, teaching at Hope Academy. She has also lived in Pakistan, teaching at Murree Christian School. She completed an MA in Old Testament at Denver Seminary and an MA and PhD in counseling psychology at the University of Denver with a minor in industrial / organizational psychology.

In addition to being a licensed professional counselor and a licensed psychologist, she has managed teams and several high impact projects at the Mental Health Center of Denver. Before moving to Massachusetts, she managed the Office of Suicide Prevention at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. She has worked in the mental health field since 1990 with clients across the age-span and in a variety of settings including Lahey Behavioral Health. She is currently in private practice. Her research is focused on the clergy’s and faith community’s role in suicide prevention. She is a member of the American Counseling Association and the American Psychological Association.


  • BA (Wheaton College)
  • MA (Denver Seminary)
  • MA, PhD (University of Denver)

Featured Publications


Select List of Publications

  • The Essentials of Suicide Prevention: A Blueprint for Churches. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2023.
  • Preaching Hope in Darkness: Help for Pastors in Addressing Suicide from the Pulpit (with Scott M. Gibson). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020.
  • Mason, K., Hu, Y., Kim, E., Korver, D., Xia, L., & Coniglio, N. “Unique experiences in religious groups, in the U.S. and China—a qualitative study.” Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Culture, 21(6) (2019): 609-624.
  • Mason, K., Geist, M., & Clark, M. “A developmental model of clergy engagement with suicide: A qualitative study.” OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying, 79(4) (2019), 347-363. https://doi.org/10.1177/0030222817713289.
  • “God’s Common Grace and the Theological Praxis of Counseling” in Reformation Celebration: The Significance of Scripture, Grace, Faith and Christ. Edited by Gordon L. Isaac and Eckhard J. Schnabel. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2018.
  • Mason, K., Martin, W.B., & Kim, E. “Suicidal thinking and sense of community in faith communities.” Religions, 9(40) (2018).
  • Mason, K., Kim, E., & Martin, W.B. “Clergy use of suicide prevention competencies.” OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1177/0030222818777373
  • Mason, K., Kim, E., Martin, W.B., & Gober, R.J. “The moral deliberations of 15 clergy on suicide and assisted death: a qualitative study.” Pastoral Psychology, 66(3) (2017): 335-351.
  • Mason, C., Mason, K., & Mathews, A. “Aspiring to Lead: An investigation into the interactions between self-esteem, patriarchal attitudes, gender, and Christian leadership.” Journal of Psychology and Theology, 44(3) (2016): 244-256.
  • Mason, K., Geist, M., Kuo, R., Day, M., & Wines, J.D. Jr. “Predictors of clergy’s ability to fulfill a suicide prevention gatekeeper role.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, 70(1) (2016): 34-39.
  • “Developing a Christian Theology of Suicide.” Africanus Journal, 7(1) (2015): 5-15.
  • Preventing Suicide: a Handbook for Pastors, Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014.
  • Mason, K., Polischuk, P., Pendleton, R., Bousa, E., Good, R., & Wines, J.D. Jr. “Clergy referral of suicidal individuals: a qualitative study.” Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 65(3) (2011): 1-11.
  • When the Pieces Don’t Fit: Making Sense of Life’s Puzzles. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 2007.
  • Mason, K., Olmos, P.A., Bacon, D., McQuilken, M., Henley, A., & Fisher, S. “Exploring the Consumer’s and Provider’s Perspective on Service Quality in Community Mental Health Care.” Community Mental Health Journal, 40(1) (2004): 33-46.
  • “Who is a Virtuous Woman?—a study of the Hebrew eshet chayil in Proverbs 31.” Priscilla Papers, 4(1) (1990), 5-8.

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