Dr. Adams’ specialties in Church History are focused on Medieval and Reformation studies. She has a special interest in the historical arc from late medieval Catholic England through the Reformation to Puritan New England.
Her book, Visions in Late Medieval England: Lay Spirituality and Sacred Glimpses of the Hidden Worlds of Faith (E.J. Brill, 2007) explores the impact of visionary accounts in sermons, saints’ legends and religious instruction manuals on the worldview and piety of the medieval laity. Her current project is the Romans 1-8 volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture series (Intervarsity Press; projected for 2019). She has additional research interests on the impact of monasticism on Reformation spirituality; C. S. Lewis and mythology; the shaping power of story on theology; and the history of the expression of the gospel.
Dr. Adams also teaches courses in the history and practice of Christian spirituality and spiritual formation. Her interests are focused in the history of worship and the arts in the church. She is also the designer of LifeStory Exegesis™ (Story Spirituality™)—a model of spirituality that can be used in spiritual formation, direction, discipleship and counseling. Bringing together theology, historiography, and literary theory, it engages the structure of the Creation-Redemption meta-narrative to provide a framework that shapes the understanding and effective living of one’s life.
A life-long Presbyterian, she is married to D. Kevin Adams, the senior pastor of East Baptist Church in Lynn, MA.