Dr. Peter G. James - Gordon Conwell
« Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Peter G. James

Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology

Peter G. JamesEmail: [email protected]
First Year at Gordon-Conwell: 2015 (as Trustee)
Expertise: Practical Ministry, Preaching, Discipleship

Pete came to saving faith in Jesus Christ at age 19. He joined Coalition for Christian Outreach after college as a campus minister and football coach at Thiel College in Pennsylvania. Following graduation from Gordon Conwell in 1979, he served as Pastor of Vienna Presbyterian Church in Vienna, VA for 42 years. During his ministry in Vienna, he led the effort to plant three churches in the DC area. Pete is a member of the Gordon-Conwell Board of Trustees and teaches as adjunct faculty at the seminary. Pete and his wife Chris have two grown children: Andrew and Emily. Andrew is a 2014 graduate of Gordon-Conwell and Pastor of First Church Congregational in Boxford, MA. Emily is an elementary school counselor and coach in Lewisburg, PA. Pete and Chris have five grandchildren. He is passionate about sharing Christ through preaching, discipleship, and church planting and recently compiled a year’s worth of prayers from church history available online as Prayersfromthecloud.com.


  • BA (Ohio Wesleyan University)
  • MDiv (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
  • DMin (Union Theological Seminary, Richmond)

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