Dr. Gerry Wheaton - Gordon Conwell
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Dr. Gerry Wheaton

Academic Dean, Associate Professor of New Testament

Gerry WheatonEmail: [email protected]
First Year at Gordon-Conwell: 2015

Dr. Wheaton came to Gordon-Conwell in 2015. Previously, he participated in the founding of Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan, and taught Old and New Testament at Seminario ESEPA in San Jose, Costa Rica. While in Costa Rica, he also consulted for a translation project to bring the Word of God into the language of the Cabecar people of eastern Costa Rica, and ministered with his wife, Jessica, and five sons, at an orphanage in San Jose.

In partnership with United World Mission (Charlotte, NC), Dr. Wheaton continues to work with seminary leaders outside the West to expand access to theological education. Together, they are developing models that overcome obstacles to seminary training and create more effective formation that is responsive to the express priorities of the local Church.

Dr. Wheaton completed an MA in Old Testament and an MA in New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a PhD in New Testament at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. His research interests revolve around the Gospels in their Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts and the shape of Paul’s resurrection thought.


  • BS (University of Massachusetts)
  • MAOT & MANT (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
  • PhD (University of St. Andrews)

Select List of Publications

  • The Role of the Jewish Feasts in John’s Gospel. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • “Thinking the Things of God, The Translation and Meaning of Mark 8,33c.” Novum Testamentum 57 (2015): 42-56.
  • “The Shape of Morality in the Gospel of Mark: An Experiment in Hermeneutics.” Horizons in Biblical Theology 37 (2) (2015): 117-141.
  • “The Festival of Hanukkah in 2 Maccabees: Its Meaning and Function.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2) (2012): 247-262 .

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